If you are already familiar with the List block, the Table block works exactly the same way but displays the data in a table layout, as shown below.

<aside> 👉 Table block works with all supported Data Sources.


Table block

Table block

The block is configured similar to the List block, so you can check List's documentation to learn how to connect to a data source, configure filters and fields, and so on.

You can also link a row in the table to a List Details block through a button (set it to open the page with the List Details block).

<aside> ℹī¸ Column name containing action buttons can not be changed.


When the added fields (columns) don't fit inside the table, horizontal scroll is automatically enabled as shown below.

Horizontal scroll on table

Horizontal scroll on table

<aside> 💡 Please, note that the block doesn't yet support record grouping available on Airtable.


Table Export

If this option is enabled, your users will be able to download the table data in .csv or .xml format through a button at the bottom right corner of the table.

Table export

Table export

Checkbox field type

On the Table block, you have a Checkbox field type that can be mapped to:

<aside> 💡 You can also use text or number field types, where an empty field will represent an unchecked state, while a field with any value will represent a checked state.


See below how that works for Airtable.

Adding a checkbox field on Airtable

Adding a checkbox field on Airtable