Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid that can also act as a relational database. As a result, it is a more powerful data management option when compared with simple spreadsheet solutions. Here are some of Airtable’s distinctive features:

If you want to learn more about Airtable and its features, make sure to check out our detailed guide on Airtable.

Now, let’s see how you can connect Airtable, and then we’ll take a closer look at some of Airtable’s features that are important to consider in that context.

Connecting to Airtable

Connecting your Airtable data to Softr is super easy. Any Airtable data source you connect in Softr can be used in all of a workspace’s apps, by all of the workspace’s collaborators. Let’s look at how to connect Airtable as a datasource. In your Softr Dashboard, click on the Data Sources tab in the upper left of the menu.

Click on the data sources tab

Click on the data sources tab

In the next screen you can see a list of all your connected datasources, as well as a button to add a new datasource. Click Connect data source in the upper right of the screen. If you need to edit, re-authenticate, or remove a datasource, click the 3-dot ellipses icon on the right of the datasource. Note that guest collaborators cannot re-authenticate or remove data sources. You can also see a list of all the apps that are using a given datasource by clicking See Active Apps.

Add, edit, or remove a datasource using the buttons on the dashboard

Add, edit, or remove a datasource using the buttons on the dashboard

When adding Airtable as a new datasource, you will be asked to login to Airtable (if not already), then Authorize Softr to access any Airtable base you choose to give permission to access. Click + Add a base to give Softr permission to specific bases in your Airtable account. Once you have selected the bases Softr needs access to, click Authorize.

<aside> ❗ We strongly, strongly recommend that you give Softr access to “All current and future bases in all current and future workspaces

Airtable OAuth does not “remember” which bases you’ve granted Softr access.

Every time you re-authenticate an Airtable source, you must select ALL bases you want Softr to access, including ones you’ve granted access before. Otherwise, your apps will break.

(This is why we strongly recommend that you grant Softr access to “All current and future bases” to prevent potential business-ending errors. 😬)


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Using Airtable Personal Access Tokens with Softr

After connecting an Airtable account via OAuth, you also have the option to convert it to a Personal Access Token (PAT) instead. Just click the Switch to personal access token option below the data source name. A box will appear where you can paste your Airtable PAT.