When you log into your Softr account, you are taken to your workspace, which contains all the workspace applications as well as links to some useful resources on the left sidebar.

Softr Workspace

Softr Workspace

By default, you’ll have at least one workspace where your first application resides. You can add more applications to your workspace, create new workspaces, or join other workspaces as a collaborator. So, let’s add a new workspace and see what the setup looks like.

You can add a new workspace from the menu in the bottom left corner of the dashboard.

Adding a new workspace

Adding a new workspace

In the pop-up that opens next, you should provide a workspace name and can also add a custom icon.

Workspace name and icon

Workspace name and icon

Next, you can invite your first collaborators or skip this step.

Inviting collaborators

Inviting collaborators

<aside> 💡 Workspace collaborators can access and edit all the applications in the workspace. However, they can’t move (to another workspace) or remove any of the applications. Additionally, they can invite new workspace collaborators but can’t remove them.


In the “Overview of workspace roles and permissions” section of this article you can find a detailed overview of each role’s permissions.

All your workspaces will be available in the bottom left-side menu, where you can also switch between them. The current workspace along with its Settings, Members, and Billing options, will be shown under Active Workspace.

List of workspaces along with the active workspace

List of workspaces along with the active workspace

Next, we are going to look into workspace settings, workspace plans and billing, roles and permissions, and more.

Workspace settings

In Workspace settings, as a workspace Owner, you can modify the name of the workspace as well as customize its icon.

Workspace settings

Workspace settings

Workspace collaborators

In the Collaborators tab, you can invite new workspace collaborators, configure the permissions of the existing ones, or Transfer Workspace Ownership.

<aside> 💡 The option to invite new collaborators is available to both the owner and existing collaborators on the workspace.
