When might it make sense to do this?

There are a few scenarios when you might want to change the workspace owner:

<aside> 💡 You must be the current workspace owner in order to do this.


Step1: Open the Workspace Collaborator settings

In your Softr dashboard, click on your Workspace in the lower left of the screen and choose Collaborators.

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 3.15.48 PM.png

Step 2: Add the new account owner as a collaborator, if needed.

If the new account owner is not a collaborator to the workspace already, you can invite them to the workspace.

<aside> 💡 Note that guest collaborators on individual apps cannot be made workspace owners, only full collaborators can.


<aside> 💡 A user must accept the invitation to be a collaborator before they can be made workspace owner.


Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 3.19.59 PM.png

Step 3: Make any collaborator the workspace owner

Click on the “Make Workspace Owner” button next to any collaborator to make them the workspace owner.

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 3.22.57 PM.png

Step 4: Read the warnings and confirm the change