Before starting to build your site, you might want to check the application Settings to apply some general configurations. The settings can be accessed from the left-side toolbar as shown in the following screenshot.

Application settings

Application settings

So, let’s go through the sections one by one.


General settings

General settings

When you create your application a random name and subdomain are automatically assigned to it, which can be customized in this section. The Application Name is for your own reference and will not appear anywhere after publishing the app. Next, you can customize your subdomain as follows: https://<yourname> You can also use a custom domain.

Next, you have the option of adding a favicon. Please, follow the provided size and format recommendations. There are numerous services (e.g., that you can use to generate a favicon of the required format and size.

Lastly, you have the Softr branding toggle, which allows you to enable/disable the "Made with Softr" badge on your site.

<aside> 👉 Disabling Softr badge is available for users on the Professional plan and above.


Softr branding

Softr branding

Custom Domain

Here you can use your own custom domain to run your website or web-application on. More detailed info on configuring a custom domain can be found here.


In this section you have the list of all the available integrations that can be connected to your app. Check out the Integrations section of this library to find more info on each option.


Here you can configure general SEO settings, while SEO details for individual pages can be set in page settings.

Google Site Verification

In the Google Site Verification field you need to add your ID to verify your ownership of the website and link it to Google Search Console.

To get the ID, on your Google Search Console dashboard, go to Settings => Ownership Verification, choose the HTML tag option, and copy the value of content as shown below.