<aside> 👉 Custom domain and extra custom domain slots depend on the subscription plan. See plan comparison.


Your application can be published on:

In this guide, we'll show you how you can publish your application to your own custom domain (yourdomain.com). Custom domain boosts your credibility and helps to build up your brand. Let's proceed.

1. Add a custom domain

In your Softr application**,** go to the Settings => Custom Domain page and add your own custom domain in the following format "yourdomain.com". It will also add the full domain "www.yourdomain.com" by default.

Adding a custom domain

Adding a custom domain

2. Update the DNS

Access your domain's DNS settings in your domain registrar's or DNS host's dashboard.****

Every DNS host has its own way of updating DNS settings. Please, read the help documentation of your DNS host if you are not familiar with it yet. Also, check out our FAQ on domain setup.

Add an A record and CNAME

You will need to create an A record and a CNAME

Custom domain setup

Custom domain setup

To verify that your DNS settings are correct, and that your domain is correctly pointing to Softr, check the status of your domain name in your DNS settings.