Under the Features tab of block settings, you can add a logo to the block, change the title, as well as set a background image for the whole block.
If you enable this option, a Sign up with Google button will be added to the form, allowing your users to sign up with their Google Accounts.
Signup with Google
<aside> 💡 To enable Google Signup, you first need to add your Google APP Client details in Integrations => Google Sign In. You can find instructions on getting the Client ID and Client Secret here.
Here, you can allow users to sign up only from specified domains. To do so, you need to add these domains inside the Allowed domains field. For instance, if you want only people with "softr.io" domains (e.g. [email protected]) to sign up, you need to enter "softr.io" into Allowed domains and hit Enter (see below). You can add as many domains as needed.
Adding allowed domains
By default, you have three fields: Name, Email, and Password, where the Name field can be enabled or disabled. The placeholder texts of these fields can be modified as well. However, it's also possible to add any number of additional fields after connecting an Airtable users base, which we'll discuss next.
You also have the option of customizing the Signup block by adding more fields. The values of additional fields will be stored in your data source, therefore you need to have a data source connected in the Users section. If you haven't connected a users base data source yet, you'll see a Create Data Source option under the Signup Form section in the Features tab.
Create Data Source option
After clicking the Create button, you'll need to follow the process described here to connect a data source where user data will be synced. Further on, in your database, you can define additional fields to store extra user parameters and add those to the Signup form as well. Let's consider a specific example to give you a better idea of how this works.
Let's connect an Airtable users base, where we have added an additional Position field that indicates the position of the registered employee within the company.
Users base with additional parameter