The conditional filtering feature allows you to filter the list, as well as other dynamic blocks, based on the defined conditions. It's available through Conditional Filters in the block settings sidebar under the Source section.


Now, let's see how it works.

First of all, from the dropdown selector at the top, you can choose whether any or all of the defined conditions should be met for filtering the information.

“Any” or “All” of the conditions

“Any” or “All” of the conditions

Additional conditions can be joined with:


Moving on, let's see how the Condition is configured. There are three fields in Condition Settings:

1. Field

Here, you need to select a field from the specified data source base, for which the condition will be defined.

2. Condition


The following options are available for defining a relationship between the Field and the Value.

Text-like Fields, e.g. emails, formulas, URLs, single select fields – can be used with the following available conditions: