Using this block, you can display the different pricing options of your product or service. You can also link each option to a corresponding checkout page (internal or external), which we'll discuss a bit later.

Pricing in card view with details

Pricing in card view with details

Let's review the block settings, which are located under the Features tab.

Title and Subtitle

Here, you can customize the Title and Subtitle of the block.

Multiple billing cycles

You can enable this option if, for instance, you want to show different prices for yearly and monthly billing. Under Cycle description, you can add a custom text for your Yearly option.

Pricing Tiers

Here, you add the details for each of your pricing tiers (Title, Yearly and Monthly prices, Features, etc.).


Each tier has a button that can be used to take the users to the checkout page. If you're using a payment service other than Stripe, you can use the Redirect to url option under Add action to take the users to your external checkout page.

To use the Stripe Checkout option, your first need to connect your Stripe account to your Softr app.

Button action options

Button action options

So, let's select the Stripe Checkout option and start configuring the checkout settings.

Recurring payments

Enable this if you want to charge your customers periodically based on a specific schedule (e.g. for a monthly subscription). When configuring a product on Stripe, you have the option to set it as One time or Recurring.

Choosing a product type on Stripe

Choosing a product type on Stripe

Allow promotion codes

Here, you need to choose if you're going to accept promotion codes on your Stripe checkout.

Enable automatic tax