Form blocks in Softr are versatile blocks designed to streamline data collection and enhance user interaction on your Softr applications. Whether you're building a simple contact page or a complex data intake system, form blocks provide the foundation for capturing and managing user inputs effectively.

What is a Form block?

A form block in Softr is a pre-built block that can be easily integrated into your application. It serves as a container for various form elements like text fields, checkboxes, and dropdown menus. Each form block can be customized to fit the specific needs of your project, ensuring seamless user experience and functionality.

Key features

Types of Forms

Softr lets you build two types of forms to cater to different user needs and complexities:

  1. Basic Forms (available on Free & Basic plans)
  2. Conditional Forms (available on Professional & above plans)

Uses of Form blocks

Adding a Form block to your page

  1. Select a form block preset: In Softr studio, navigate to the blocks library and choose from the ‘Form’ category list.
  2. Drag and drop: Drag the form block preset onto your canvas where you want the form to appear.
  3. Customize: Click on the form block to open the settings panel where you can add or remove fields, change the layout, and adjust styles.